Therefore, let’s know each other and love each other.
With our self-righteousness and our pretenses left at the door, we come together. With our hopes to impress quieted, and our insecurities placed before Christ, we find ourselves in the perfect place to start whatever it is that needs starting, to build what needs building, to continue what needs finishing, and to mend what is broken. With the gospel now front and center, we have an invitation to form an army of women. A company of moms, empty nesters, singles, students. A battalion of women who can lead, teach, host, encourage, organize, pray. We are now a brigade of ladies unified-our absence of pride allowing us to be close together.
We start broken, we stay broken, but we jump into the kingdom work God desires, and somewhere along the way, grace teaches us how to be faithful.
If you’re interested in learning more about the Women’s Ministry at Remnant Church, contact Tammy Burns (