What to Expect

Who is Remnant?

  • We are a group of messed up people who have encountered a very real God. We don’t fully understand it, but our lives have changed for the better and we have to share that with others.

  • We really believe that the Bible, every word of it, was written by God and to all of us. God is the author and thus the Bible is Holy. It is the sole source of truth in our world. We submit to it because God wrote it. We don’t always like what it says or feel good about what it says, but God wrote it and so we embrace it. Our feelings and understanding never trumps God’s. If we have a problem with God’s Word, the problem is with us, not Him.

  • We believe that people who are not hungry for God are probably full of themselves. We are all learning to empty ourselves, get over our pride and hunger for God’s plans. We don’t always take ourselves seriously but we do take God seriously.

  • We are a family. We drive each other nuts, we make mistakes, but in the end our relationship with Jesus bonds us together. We do our best to try to love each other as Jesus loved us. We disappoint each other, we surprise each other, we get frustrated with each other, forgive one another and we can’t wait to see each other. In ourselves we are dysfunctional in many ways, but in Christ we find purpose and connection. God has brought us together in this church family and we thank Him every day for that blessing.

  • We want others to know Jesus. In order to do that we try to keep our “overhead” low. Many of our pastors and staff are either volunteers or bi-vocational, receiving most of their support outside of the church. We are a debt free church and are frugal with spending on ourselves.. We do this to make sure our investment is in sharing the gospel and caring for others rather than salaries, benefits, bricks and mortar. As a result, we have resources to invest in local missions, meeting needs, and investing in the mission of missionaries around the world.

  • We believe the Spirit of God is begging us to unleash Him. If God has something for us, we want it- all of it.

  • We are a relatively small church. Small but mighty. Not because of us but because of what the Spirit of God is doing through us. We have plenty of room for others who are messed up but whose hearts are turned toward understanding and following Jesus.

  • We are glad that you are here and hope we can help you on your journey toward Jesus.

Why is the feather in your logo?

  • We wanted our logo to represent our dependence upon the Holy Spirit. Not really the power and gifts of the Spirit, but the Spirit Himself. We desire to be the church that is led by and obeys the Holy Spirit. We wanted a logo that represented the presence of the Comforter.

  • The Feather (Coming to Rest) was meant to symbolize that this body would be led by His spirit, by the wind of His presence. It would be our hope that many would see the feather and be reminded of the Father's still small voice. Reminded that He leads us, and that we must wait on Him, we must wait upon the Lord. That we should cut our ties to the world, and have the faith to listen for and obey His sprit.